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Cuubis Bio-fryseposer

kr. 49,00kr. 119,00 inkl. moms

Vores fødevaregodkendte BIO Fryseposer er fremstillet af sukkerrør, hvilket reducerer CO2-udslippet samt forbrugen af nye råvarer i forhold til de traditionelle plastikposer.

Der kan være ca. 2,5 dl i hver Cuubis Bio-fryseposer. Der er en fyldestreg, der viser, hvor posen kan fyldes til, når den er åben, og man løfter den lidt op fra bordet.

Andre lynlåsposer i størrelsen ca. 20×20 cm og derunder kan også passe i Cuubis. Vi har selv gode erfaringer med poser fra IKEA, Dansk Supermarked og Coop.

OBS: Fryseposerne kan tåle temperaturer op til 40˚. Afkøl derfor indholdet før brug.

Sådan bruger du Cuubis

Produktinformation: Cuubis Bio-poser

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“DaklaPack Green PE Gripbag
99 % Biobased Carbon Content (as a fraction of total organic carbon)
The result is reported as “% Biobased Carbon”. This indicates the percentage carbon from “natural” (plant or animal by-product) sources versus “synthetic” (petrochemical) sources . For reference, 100 % Biobased Carbon indicates that a material is entirely sourced from plants or animal by-products and 0 % Biobased Carbon indicates that a material did not contain any carbon from plants or animal by-products. A value in between represents a mixture of natural and fossil sources.

The analytical measurement is cited as “percent modern carbon (pMC)”. This is the percentage of C14 measured in the sample relative to a modern reference standard (NIST 4990C). The % Biobased Carbon content is calculated from pMC by applying a small adjustment factor for C14 in carbon dioxide in air today. It is important to note is that all internationally recognized standards using C14 assume that the plant or biomass feedstocks were obtained from natural environments.”